the journey of a lifetime
Began with a one-way ticket
As a freelance digital artist working from around the globe, Hillary Bassett Ross found herself on a winding, perplexing trail to the depths of her soul.
From the dawning of a new version of self into the maddening throes of emotional purging, she found herself in a dark tunnel of chaos and destruction to ultimately experience a profound personal transformation.
Calling her story, “Finding the Here and Now,” Hillary Bassett Ross shares her experience through captured video as the journey was unfolding—offering a rare glimpse into the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of a human consciousness in the process of expansion.
finding the here and now
The journey of an expanding consciousness, captured on video, across a 6-year period.
watch it unfold
Hillary Bassett Ross shares her story in Finding the Here and Now, a multimedia memoir including video, audio, and spoken account of her 6+ year spiritual awakening journey. Watch her discover what was going on, be there as deep work transpires, see how reality threw challenge after challenge, and find out what she came to experience on the other side.
Released chapter-by-chapter, sign up to get a front-row seat as the journey unfolds.

…it started with a one-way ticket
Leaving life in the United States to live out of a backpack, all around the world.
the experience went from light—
Discovering a magical world of serendipity, wonder, and soul-satisfying alignment…
—to dark…
…to experience a sudden onset of emotional purging and multiple rounds of The Dark Night of the Soul.
and then out the other side.
Emerging into a new sense of self, a connection with the quantum realm, and an ability to see, sense, and work with energy for healing.