TO your most aligned self


Let’s Shift Your Reality

Our mix of emotions, memories, and traumas influence how we show up in the world, what we attract, and what types of challenges fall on our path. Together, this creates a distinct energetic signature, which then becomes our attraction point.

When you release the unwanted energy keeping you from your most natural state, you step into a reality of well-being, ease, flow, abundance, health, and vitality.


Hi friends, I’m Hillary

I help you resolve what’s holding you back from your highest, healthiest potential.

I work with a variety of energy healing modalities to help you experience your most aligned, healthy, vibrant, inspired, successful, and abundant self.


Ways we can work together

My work is quite impactful, which is why I recommend sessions beyond 1 hour. However, the short sessions can be a great place to explore the power and the benefit of my work. Regardless of your challenge, Reiki and energy healing create a tremendous impact through a gentle and relaxing experience.


60-minute Intuitive Consultation

I’m often able to pinpoint the source of your challenge within minutes of speaking with you. Aimed at addressing current challenges, this hour is focused on helping you determine your next best step in life, work, health, relationships—or anything you’d like guidance with—by tapping into YOUR Higher Self. Working with this, I share the guidance and clarity needed to move forward.



60-minute Reiki / Energy Healing

In this super-quick session, I focus my Reiki on boosting your overall well-being, and clearing anything that shouldn’t be in your energy. This work allows me to get better insight into what is going on; though please note this isn’t enough time to address and resolve subconscious patterning and rewire any limiting beliefs.



2-Hour Reiki / Energy Healing

Get even more relief and resolution with the extra time; we can explore your subconscious beliefs and rewire and re-pattern for true alignment. This process includes both beliefs exploration and releasing, and includes a Reiki treatment to improve well-being.



4-Hour Reiki / Energy Healing

As my signature offering, the half-day VIP treatment creates a tremendous upgrade. We dive deep into what is getting in your way, and we’ll go layer-by-layer, helping you release and re-pattern into wholeness, alignment, and freedom from what’s ailing you.

Finishing with a Reiki treatment, we’ll support your body and energetic flow to deeply integrate the work we have done.



 Ready for deeper transformation?

True transformation happens from a deeper commitment to your growth and healing. Learn more about the healing + coaching packages I offer.


 Working with energy aligns the mind, body, and soul

Energy healing modalities aim to identify sources that prompted misalignment with your natural state. Once identified, we can release any stuck energy and restore your flow to alignment and balance.

The sessions feature a mix of modalities, including:


Soul Retrieval



Inner Child Work / Womb Healing


Guided Meditation and Visualization

Many of the challenges you’re facing are a physical representation of a misaligned energy. These challenges are actually clues toward identifying what might be holding you back—and once we find it, we can release it.

The process aims to:

IDENTIFY | Identify anything out of alignment.

RELEASE | Release what no longer serves.

INTEGRATE | Integrate aligned energy so that it becomes embodied as your natural state.

For true transformation, your new mindset must become embodied. This is where my programs are unique: we pay special attention to the integration and embodiment of your new ways of being.

I have worked with other healers, and found my sessions with Hillary to be at least 5 times more effective than with the others..jpg